100 Things Every International Student Ought to Know
The Cambridge Stratford
Study Skills Institute

Orientation Use
Book Reviews/Links

  • Size: 7" x 4 1/4"
  • paperback
  • perfect bound
  • 276 Pages
  • ISBN #:0935-637-31-1

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100 Things Every International Student Ought to Know
by Juliet Rothman, Ph.D and Susan R. Kolko

100 Things is an abridged international student orientation guidebook written from the students’ perspective that gives tips, suggestions, consumer-friendly advice, and valuable web links for improving success as a college student in the USA. It focuses on how knowing what to expect in living and learning in the USA can reduce the sometimes anxious and frustrating feelings associated with the transition to this new and growing environment. Juliet Rothman and Susan R. Kolko combined their knowledge and experience with hundreds of suggestions from international students to create an easy-to-read and use problem-solving guide that puts key information within direct reach of new international students. Their short, single paragraph description of common problems and solutions in living and learning in the USA are further enhanced by a myriad of valuable web links. These afford students a seemingly endless supply of further information and assistance for independently discovering solutions to practically any problem facing the international learner. This provides a desk-top reference and navigational guide that gives a quick, solution oriented overview about the WHAT, WHY, HOW, WHEN, and WHAT-Ifs international students need to know to better adjust for success from the first day forward.

Download a PDF of Chapter 1
What is included in 100 Things Every International Student Ought to Know?

Chapter 1

Legal Rights and Responsibilities in School and Work (Visas, University/Government Relations, Academic Standing, Finances)

Chapter 2

Knowing College/Course Requirements and Student Services (University/Major/Course Requirements, Exams/Papers/School Resources)

Chapter 3

Understanding the Turf and Your Place in It (Culture/Values, Rules/Laws/Ordinances, Contracts, Health, Your Dollars)

Chapter4 Interacting with Friends Safely and Legally (Socializing, Meeting Americans, Dating and Partnering, Safety, Drugs)
Student Comments and Advice Glossary of Terms and Phrases References and Readings Helpful Websites Index (tied to #1-145 “Things”)


Cambridge Stratford’s trained staff of International Student Seminar and Orientation Leaders can provide 1-2 day inservice seminars for international students at host institutions internationally. Each Seminar provides one copy of the text per participant, full instruction, and handout materials. Services can be contracted by one department or institution, or cooperatively hosted by several. For more information email Cambridge Stratford.

Orientation Use
Book Reviews/Links
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