TESAT Tutor Evaluation and Self-Assessment Tool |
The TESAT will assist tutoring directors and tutors in assessing tutoring techniques designed to encourage independent learning and reduce student dependence on tutoring. It is a structured profile that evaluates tutors' effectiveness in 1) understanding and using the steps in peer tutoring and 2) understanding and using the steps in helping students learn how to learn. These steps are supported by educational research in teacher education and proven effective for peer tutoring by Dr. Ross B. MacDonald's California Tutor Project, commonly known as The Tutor Cycle.
The TESAT is a generic tool for assessing tutoring that can be used before and after training or self-directed study to show tutors' improvement in interacting with students in any discipline or content area. Its intended use is threefold: 1) as an educational tool to help reinforce what effective tutors should attempt to accomplish during each tutoring session; 2) as a self-assessment tool for tutors to use to critique their own tutoring sessions; and 3) as a tutor evaluation tool for tutoring directors who wish to independently evaluate what happens during tutoring sessions and/or who conduct individual observations of tutoring sessions and wish to share their evaluations with the tutor's own self-assessments to improve growth and development. (TESAT User's Manual included)
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Each of the 12 STEPS of the Tutor Cycle is listed with that step's strategies. The evaluator rates each strategy using the following ranking:
Outstanding - Exhibits superior qualities; professionally skilled. Needs no guidance
Proficient - Exhibits strong qualities and consistent success. Occasional direction needed.
Adequate - Exhibits acceptable qualities or performs generally successfully. Minimal direction is needed.
Needs Improvement - Unfamiliar with strategy. Assistance and guidance needed
Not Applicable - Indicates behavior was not experienced to be evaluated.
The TESAT User's Manual is designed to assist Tutor Trainers with their use of the TESAT. It includes:
Additional Uses of The TESAT as an Educational Tool
1. The TESAT can be used both with and without use of The Master Tutor. Institutions nationally require tutors in all departments to complete a pre and post assessment even though only one tutor group receives instruction. This provides a comparison for instruction but also has been documented to help tutors learn how to refine their approaches using the step-by-step Tutor Cycle.
2. Faculty Inservice Coordinators have also found value in circulating The TESAT to faculty as a self-directed inservice tool to better assist students who call on them for one-on-one assistance during office hours. Plus, Education faculty have found it useful for teacher education.
3. One-to-three credit tutoring courses have proliferated nationally and use The TESAT for course evaluation. Additionally, national tutor certification associations recognize the value of The TESAT as a viable pre and post assessment that encourages the tutor in his/her own evaluation and self-improvement.
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