the Authors
K. Yoder first began her teaching career as a chemistry
tutor twenty years ago, and once her first student, Pat, went from
a D to an A, she was hooked. Currently, she is an English composition
instructor, writing center coordinator, Learning Assistant Services
advisory committee member, and closet computer nerd at Southwestern
College. Involved with cross-disciplinary tutor and faculty training
since 1998, she worked with Andrew C. Rempt to take the college's
tutor training program online. She has a Certificate in Online Teaching
and Learning from California State University, Hayward, and regularly
teaches online in addition to her face-to-face classes.
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C. Rempt worked his way through six years of college as
an English tutor before earning his MA in English at the University
of California, Riverside in 1992. That same year, he was hired as
a full-time instructor at Southwestern College (SWC) in Chula Vista,
CA. At SWC, he helped co-found the SWC Writing Center, where he
still works as a coordinator. He has been involved with online learning
and teaching since 1997, having taken courses from UCLA and Cerro
Coso College. The result of these studies was a successful online
training course for assisting instructors to establish a Web presence
for their classes. After teaching that course for two years, he
moved into online tutor training through his role as a Writing Center
coordinator. In his spare time, he still teaches too many Composition
and Literature courses in his secret identity as an English teacher.
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The authors would like
to acknowledge Barbara J. Speidel for her overwhelming support,
and Peter W. Stevens for his kindness and belief in our work.
We are also very grateful
to Dr. Renee Kilmer, Dr. Judith Bornholdt, Dr. John Newhouse, Dr.
Phyllis Sensenig, Wendy Smith and Andy MacNeill for all their encouragement
and cooperation in our various online adventures.
We would be remiss not
to mention our fellow SWC Writing Center Coordinators, Dagmar Fields,
Tracy Schaelen, Cheryl Norton and Martha Kennedy, as well as all
the tutors who took part in the pilot for this course.
Finally, we thank Wren
Yoder and Patti Larkin for all of their love and support.
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the Publisher
The Cambridge
Stratford Study Skills Institute is an international organization
of learning skills and tutor training professionals dedicated to
the pursuit of helping students of all ages to study smarter, read
faster and score higher on tests, key ingredients for success in
school as well as life.
As a division of Cambridge
Stratford Ltd., the Institute provides inservice training and consulting
to teaching staff plus formal instruction to students and tutors
in the middle school through college levels using the internationally
renowned editions of the Cambridge Stratford Study Skills Course
and The Master Tutor: A Guidebook to More Effective Tutoring.