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Cambridge Stratford eMaster Tutor Training Cambridge Stratford eMaster Tutor Training


Welcome to the eMaster Tutor Training: Preview Edition!

This preview is designed to introduce you to the eMaster Tutor Training course, an online tutor training solution that works in conjunction with Ross MacDonald's The Master Tutor text.

In this preview, you'll have access to Unit 1 and get a look at samples of the various assignments as they were completed by previous classes.

One of the strengths of this course is its ease of use. All of the links behave consistently, and the look and feel of the course is designed to facilitate the learning process, so the technology doesn't get in the way.

The patterns of information that you see in Unit 1 are the same ones you'll find in the other four units, so once a user successfully navigates this first unit, the rest of the course is easily understood.

The regular course is designed to be completed over a five-week session, and ideally, the regular course would include two, 90-minute face-to-face sessions at the beginning and end. But if face-to-face sessions aren't practical for you, the course can be taught entirely online.

We are also proud that the course meets the accessibility requirements of section 508 of the Americans with Disabilities Act, ensuring that everyone can make use of its resources with ease.

Most of all, the course is flexible enough for you to customize the workflow for the specific needs of your tutoring program.

Let's start by taking a look at the syllabus before moving on to the schedule and, finally, to Unit 1.

Cambridge Stratford Study Skills Institute

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