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emaster tutor training



Sample Double-Entry Journal

Note: This sample is based on the preface, which has no page numbers. Ordinarily, you should include the specific page number for each quotation--for example, (MacDonald 3). You should first do your journal in a word processing program like Word, save it, and then copy and paste your journal into an email sent to your instructor.

Ahmad Estudiante
Unit 0 Journal


Quote 1: "Imagine two tutors reflecting on their first semester of tutoring. One tutor is frustrated, tired, and depressed. He spent hours during the term helping the same students with the same recurring problems. These students seem to rely continually on him. The other tutor was content, energetic, and pleased. She received several 'thank you' cards, watched a number of her students improve their course performance, and saw significant changes in her students' attitudes towards school" (MacDonald, preface).

Response 1: This passage really spoke to me because already I've had days just like the "depressed" tutor. Some students just keep coming back without seeming to make any progress. I had one "repeat customer" just today, and after he left, I was really questioning my ability as a tutor. If there are specific strategies for getting the results of Tutor #2, I'm ready to learn about them.

Quote 2: "It doesn't matter whether you work in a tutoring center, an individual classroom, a peer advisement center, an after school program, or a summer workshop, this book will guide you to be better than you already are" (MacDonald, preface).

Response 2: I'm relieved to hear this. One of my concerns about this training program was that it wouldn't be relevant to my particular tutoring situation. All of the programs are so different. I'm glad that the training is flexible enough to take these differences into account. It will be interesting to see how we all end up applying it.

Quote 3: "The Master Tutor works because it leads to tutees who are better learners, not tutees who get more answers from their tutors" (MacDonald, preface).

Response 3: An interesting statement. Now that I read it, it makes a lot of sense. I've always thought that I should be the one with the answers. It looks like maybe I have something to learn. . . .

Quote 4: "In the note column added to the side of each page, be prepared with pen or marker to write thoughts and reactions next to provocative passages or exercises you read" (MacDonald, preface).

Response 4: What a great idea! This will come in really handy as I prepare for the weekly double-entry journals. I'll be able to simply look over the notes I made, select the most important, and type them up. Cool! I don't know about the rest of you, but I was worried about how much time the journals would take. Now it looks like they'll be a snap.

Quote 5: "A 5% change in you can often cause a 50% change in the student you tutor" (MacDonald, preface).

Response 5: Again, this is very inspiring. I often feel that I'm doing too much just to try to get some sort of result (like I'm changing 50% and the student is changing not at all). It sounds like MacDonald really does have some useful information to convey. I hope the book lives up to its promise. . . .



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